
Showing posts with the label touring lviv

Lviv Tour of Rynok Square penned by Veronika in 2014 for In Lviv Tours

Touring Lviv Rynok Square by Veronica When stone is an art form   It's not a big deal to notice Lviv Town Hall on Rynok Square when you try to discover city architecture. No doubts, it's a masterpiece of European art, but once you have a walk in the centre of Lviv the tendency is to be as attentive as you can. Have you noticed that there are no numbers on the buildings? Every house on Rynok Square had to have name of owner or elements of décor indication on it; some buildings are named "with a lion" or "with any tree", because these elements were painted on the owner family emblem or it was a family mascot. There is another interesting fact about Rynok Square architecture: clergy and noblemen had permission to build houses higher that 3 floor with 3 windows or more. This has had the unique imprint on the way Rynok Square looks nowadays, so keep your eyes opened and be inspired. We present you three building in the centre of Lviv that you must see.  Blac...